If you've been following along with me over the years, you'll know I am a huuuuge softy for local, independent retail shops. And not just because they're local and independent; but because when you encounter a unique shop and can feel the heartbeat behind the store and certainly when you learn of it's origin, it makes participating in it's success like entering into a story.
This is exactly how I feel whenever I go into the store Graham & Brooks in Dundas, ON. Owner Lorna Parcher, has lovingly curated a store full of what feels like, all of the things that clearly make her happy. Ah, there it is: The Heartbeat... This shop's heartbeat is a love of living well; the perfect marriage of old and new.
Refinished furniture, repurposed antiques, artwork, soft furnishings and gift items made by local artisans, beautiful soaps and candles, and an adorable section dedicated to the kind of children's items that make any kid's room or nursery look magical.
Deriving inspiration for the shop's name from her two grandmother's maiden names, Lorna has even baked into Graham & Brooks, a sense of heritage. Her heritage, passed on through every carefully placed item. You definitely have the feeling when you visit the store that there's years of experience poured into the furniture she's refinished, and the overall sense of design Lorna brings to every display.
May I just add an aside here? I think what I like, almost best of all, is that you never get the sense that you aren't good enough to be there. Sounds silly, but d'you know what I mean?! That feeling when you enter a reeeally nice boutique, where the quality is amazing, and everything seems to be "special," there's definitely a small part of me that feels untidy and squirmy in high-end shops; but this is never the case at Graham & Brooks; Lorna and her shop are warm and relatable. Shopping in her store, is a total pleasure.
A store full of nurturing, life-giving loveliness, during COVID??? Yes. Please.
So, grab a fa-la-la-la-latte, take an hour, leave your babies at home, and browse. You'll leave feeling a little glow-y, promise!
*COVID-friendly smoooooch*
Graham & Brooks 64 Hatt St., Dundas, ON. www.grahamandbrooks.com
- Monday, November 30, 2020